In season

While we have the opportunity, I have bought a bit of fresh asparagus.

‘Tis the season, as they say, for asparagus, and like the US, it is only available, fresh, for a limited amount of time; that’s always in the spring.

Recently, I bought 1 1/2 k of said asparagus, all the time having the idea of freezing it, making it available whenever we want. I always seem to want it out of season. No longer.

1 1/2 kilos fresh asparagus, freshly blanched, waiting to be frozen, then vacuum sealed.

I bought 2 bunches of epazote to dry; done. 1k of broccoli to cut up, blanch, freeze, and vacuum seal; done, in (7) 1c bundles. 2 red onions, 1 to pickle; done. 2 green peppers to seed, burn, peel, seal, and freeze; processing.

Pickled red onion.
Drying epazote.

I bought a head of Orejona lettuce, (oh-ray-HOE-nah), having no real idea what type of lettuce it was going to be, only to discover it is actually Romaine. It was, by far, without exaggeration, the largest head of lettuce I have ever received. The root base was at least 5”, maybe 6”, in diameter, the leaves 14” tall, and the top of said leaves, held tightly together, about 10” in diameter. What am I going to do with it all?

No idea.

It appears that a plethora of “wrapped” foods are in my immediate future.

We now have a freezer well stocked with many of the veg we like to eat, but don’t seem to have readily to hand. Now we do. All thanks to a bit of planning, ordering, and processing so that none goes to waste. I love it when a plan comes together, don’t you?

Until next we meet, stay happy, healthy, and safe. Wash, cover, and protect yourselves.