Implants, finally!

Dental implants, people! Dental implants. Ivan is having his top dental plate implanted this month. Saturday, the 19th, he has the 4 posts implanted in his top ridge line, at the office. Then, after that has had time to heal, he will have the prosthesis to use. We cannot wait- me more so than him, probably, if you ask us! But I do not care. He has the nicest smile, and I miss seeing it.

He had a top denture plate that was not fitted properly, and made him gag. The next one, that was made here, did not stay tight, and kept coming loose, so he would take it out, and not wear it. So, the last alternative was to have it implanted, so that is what he is doing.

Here is Ivan, with the denture plate he had made here. It should be what he will look like with the implants. Love that smile, especially when it is visible in my direction!

I must say that I cannot wait for him to be able to actually chew food decently again. There are so many things he cannot eat that he always enjoyed; soon he will be able to do so again. That, and to smile again, teeth showing.