
One day last week I decided that it was time to switch all of my electronic devices to Spanish. Somewhere along the way, I decided that the best way to learn to speak a different language was to be totally dependent upon it. And, let me just say that, as really good decisions go, that was one of my better ones.

For over the past week I have been typing messages only in Spanish, having to use Google Translator less, and less. Now that I have switched my phone to Spanish, it shows me the next word I want, correctly, an in Spanish. How neat is that?

It is so helpful to think of what I want to say, and have the words pop up, and in the correct grammatical form as well. Win, win. It helps reinforce, or correct, what I was already thinking, and planning to type.

You may not even realize the extent that this is helpful, but if you ever try to learn a different language, and only work at it as a pastime, or a hobby, it is so much more difficult to learn. Having moved here, and wanting to be able to share myself with this family, I decided to jump in with both feet, knowing all the while that my family will help me hit the ground easily, and without being hurt. They love me as much as I love them.

So, immersion. It is the only way to go.