I’m really tired

Of being tired.

Actually, since I got sick last week, I am amazed at how I have no sense of smell, or taste, and absolutely no energy. As I said a moment ago, I’m tired of being tired. Exhausted really.

I don’t even have enough energy to comment on the political machinations going on in the US. That aught to tell you something. Right now, it’s all about me.

I can be incredibly lazy at times, but this is 180º from that. This is internal batteries at 10%, without ability to recharge. I felt pretty decent last night, able to go to bed, to lie down for a while, and rest. Then my nose stuffed up, again, and I was up for another 2 hours. Got to bed about I can’t recall what time, and was awakened at 5:30 am. with yet again a stuffed nose.

The cough medicine I am using does a bit to help with that, temporarily, then, like clockwork, stuffy nose is back. Since suffocation is my arch nemesis, this is very concerning to me. I have minor panic attacks when I put on the nasal mask of my CPAP machine, and can’t move the air in, or out of my nose. Switch to mouth breathing.

All well, and good when one’s throat isn’t being shredded with glass shards, as it was all of last week. My lips are peeling, though I now have a tube of medicated Chap Stick.

I think once I get to feeling better, I’m going to stock a bit of medicinals; cough syrup, lip balms, Vicks VapoRub, in ANY form, etc. Maybe having them around will stave off anything like that again.

Unless you read to the contrary, know that I’m getting better, and should be back to rights by the end of this week.

Until then, stay happy, healthy, and safe. Wash, cover, and protect yourselves.

Post script: I thought I’d Google this, just as a guide. Turns out I have had every symptom. Who needs a test!