If I die tomorrow…

There are so many things that he needs to know; if I die tomorrow.

He does not listen to me; he does not think it is necessary. He does not want to think I could possibly go before him.

We are all mortal; we will all die; eventually. We have lived our lives, until this moment, together; never thinking we will be separated; divided; one, without the other.

There are so many things here, in the apartment, on the internet, in our lives, that he has no idea how to access. He has no idea how to …

He does not know how to find the bank balances, or, the credit card balances/monthly payments, etc. He does not know how to clean the toilets; how to change the batteries in the thermometer we use for cooking; how to change the time on the bedroom clocks, or the oven. He has no idea what medication he takes daily. He cannot fold his socks, underwear, or tee shirts. He will miss me if I die tomorrow. But,


will miss him more.

We live our lives as though we will be here for years to come; maybe we only have days, or weeks, or months. None of us has any idea what time will be given to us. We need to take each moment, grab whatever it gives us, and thank the good Lord for it. It will be all we have.

Please, stay happy, stay healthy, stay safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, and protect your loved ones.

We are here, at the beginning of our lives together. This was before our prom dance in 1972. Notice that we both h have hair.

2 thoughts on “If I die tomorrow…”

  1. Very thought-provoking. I have had similar ideas recently. It’s an important moment when you realize these things, having thought yourself to be pretty much immortal until the aches and pains began.
    Are you going to start a HELP file on your computer for Ivan??
    And, PS, don’t die tomorrow. ❤

    1. I will certainly try not to! That is an excellent idea BTW. I believe I will do the very thing- make a file for him. Thanks. Love you too.

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