I was speechless- CV diary day 8

I have to tell you that I didn’t actually believe it, or even know of what I was speaking.

The other evening, I went to the kitchen to make Ivan a bowl of oatmeal, when I looked up into one of the cupboards, and on the shelf was one of my kombucha bottles that had a dark amber liquid in it. I thought, at first, maybe I had put away a 1/2 cup of Ivan’s brandy so I’d have it the next time I made carnitas. I took it down, off the shelf, opened it up, and smelled it.

Nothing. Absolutely nothing. I couldn’t believe it. What was going on? I put the cap back on it, and looked at the bottom of the jar. It was foggy with the “mother” of our apple cider vinegar. It was apple cider vinegar I was smelling, but had no idea. I took the bottle of white vinegar off the same shelf, opened it, and again, nothing.

I put that aside, and finished making the oatmeal, but as it was cooking, I took a small taste on the tip of my spoon. Nothing again. No sweet, no oatmeal, no butter, no nothing.

I have never had a time in my life that I was completely without taste, or smell, never. When I would get sick, as a child, and later as an adult, there was always a hint of what I was given to eat.

Not anymore. I had heard, and read that people that have/had CoVid lose those senses for a while, but I never expected that I really had CoVid. Others had it, but not me. I wash my hands every time we go anywhere, but I haven’t worn my mask.

Too late.

I’m pushing through this, and will, as I said, hopefully be done with all of it soon. Don’t wait until it’s too late to wear a mask indoors. I can’t imagine how else I would have gotten it.

Until next time, stay happy, healthy, and safe. Wash, cover, and protect yourselves. Please. This has been horrible. I would hate to hear that it got you too.