I misspoke

I know, I have said it before but I will risk repeating myself. It is still hot down here.

One would think, it being December, for crying out loud, that it would cool off, at least a bit! But, no. It is still in the seventies during the day, graciously dropping in to the fifties at night.

It is always a treat when we go to the condo to switch cars. The garage is underground, and, therefore, quite cool, day or night. So, when we get in the car, the temperature is about sixty degrees, for a few minutes anyway. Bliss.

I saw on my weather app last night that there is hope that it really will start to cool off. Supposedly, next week will be in the sixties for the highs, and down in the forties at night. I pray it is accurate. I feel bad that everyone here is freezing at night, with the temperatures in the fifties, but they are acclimatized, and we are not, yet.

I will let you know if it truly comes to pass. I am wearing some new clothes we bought here, at Costco, but I am very, very warm. None of my Lula’s fit right now, but I do have them to look forward to. (Merry Christmas to me).

Post script: My hands are actually cold, and a bit stiff, as I type this, therefore, I cannot type as lightening fast as I usually do. (That is funny by itself.)

My watch tells me it is 18ºC, but my phone says it is 9ºC. Either way, it is mentally colder using Celsius, instead of Fahrenheit. As to that, my hands will warm up soon enough, as I hear hubby pouring us a Tequilita!!! Thank you honey.