I just want

To sleep.

Just a few hours each night would be gravy. I can’t even do that.

Not sure what the problem is but it is really annoying. I get sleepy about 10:30pm., lie down for an hour, then I’m back up, walking the floor of the apartment. Did I sleep? No. Did I nap? No.

It’s been 2 consecutive nights without sleep, so tonight, I’m going to take some Benadryl. I can’t go another night without sleep. I’m a dead head, and I hate that.

I’ll sleep for a bit this afternoon, but that’s no good either. It messes up my whole day.

So, I’m up, it’s almost 7am, and I’m having a cup of coffee. Strangely, lately, I can have a cup of coffee, or a can of RedBull™, and go to sleep for a few hours.

I’ll let you know if it works. Until then,

Stay happy, healthy, and safe. Wash, cover, and protect yourselves.

Post script: I went back to bed shortly after scheduling this post, and slept for 3 1/2 hours. Not bad, not great. At least I slept.

Post post script: to make matters worse, I got up about 12:30pm, had a big bowl of soup, then lied down, again, and got up again at 3pm. Yikes. Probably why I can’t sleep at night.

A good visualization of the cause of my sleeplessness.

2 thoughts on “I just want”

  1. I use 150 mg of 5 HTP approximately 30 minutes before bed and now I sleep through the night! It’s heavenly!!! You can get it at a health food store or I get it online at VitaCost. Good luck!!

    1. However!!!!! IMPORTANT NOTE…. Do not take this if you take SSRI’s they don’t play well together 😞

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