I just remembered

I wanted to tell you about the dogs here. There are three breeds that are most popular- the ever present purse puppy, the tiny Chihuahua, the beautifully ugly dog, the English bulldog, and the cutest little grey, and silver, Schnauzers.

There are other “lesser” breeds, of course, but, when watching the dog walkers, those three breeds are the dogs we see the most. There is an occasional Golden Retriever, or, a Poodle, and, some of those, well, I think they look like a walking mop, but I cannot remember what they are called. There are a fair few of them, as well.

It amazes me just how many dogs there are here, living with their domesticated families. Plus, there are very few, as I think I mentioned in another post, rogue tribes of dogs here. It is rare to see a wild pack anywhere that we have been, at least. Thank the good Lord.

The other, fairly common dog, is the beagle. It is so cute to watch several of them, all leashed, and walking together. They appear to be at attention all the while they are walking. I suppose that is because they are pseudo hunting. They have that expectant look about them, that, in any second they will find “game” that they will be told to chase, or fetch, or whatever it is they are bred to do. Their heads are usually held high, when not sniffing the ground, and, as I mentioned, they are ready for anything.

The other thing I have noticed, is the lack of dog poo. I know I mentioned it in a prior, but for as many parks, and sidewalks, and, open ground, in general, the lack of poo is remarkable.

Well, I think you get the idea by now. I just needed to remark on the cleanliness of this huge city. There are very few places that we have been to that are not clean. Lots of pride in this city, for sure.