I’m almost afraid to say it

I will finish this evening, (9/27- my first evening exercising), having done 3 short exercises, hourly, meant to give me some exercise, and increase mobility.

It’s something I have decided to do on my own, making up the brief exercises I feel I can do to start. As I continue, if I can continue, I will increase the degree of difficulty as I go along.

I started at 09:30 on Wednesday, 9/27, with simple squats x 20, and toe touches x 10, that I did every half hour for 2 hours, then every hour until 18:00. I ended the day having done 120 squats, and 40 toe touches. This is what it looked like. (Toe touches were a waste of time.)

On the 28th, Thursday, from 13:00-17:00, I ended the day, having done simple arm exercises, every half hour, as seen below; 200 arm circles, and 100 lateral raises. Not bad!

On the 29th, Friday, as I am typing this post, I finished the day with 3 full minutes of planks, and 100 push ups. These I did hourly from 16:00-20:00. Yay!!!

I decided after the first evening, I was able to do a bit more, sat at my iPad, and came up with what I feel will give me a solid base. As I just indicated, I will move up from there. Here is what it looks like.

The first edition.
The first revision.

By the time you read this I should be well on my way to being just a bit more mobile, and able, hopefully, to walk around the park again.

Either that, or I’ve quit the whole thing.

Hoping for the former.

Until next we meet, stay happy, healthy, and safe. Wash, cover, and protect yourselves.

Post script: I will tell you that, when you read this in the morning, I will have exercised 8 days, and am loving it. I have discovered that I can no longer do 30 minutes of continuous exercising; not yet anyway. But I can do one set of 10-20 of 3 different exercises every half hour, or hourly. When I break it up, anything is doable. Try it.