I guess I CAN

I keep telling Ivan, and Enrique, when we venture forth, and it is my turn to drive, that I cannot do this, or, I cannot do that. I cannot drive there! I cannot park this vehicle in that space. So I have not.

This morning, for example, since we had the car fixed, I feel more comfortable about driving it. So I did.

We stopped at the condo, dropped off a few things, picked up Enrique, then I drove to the café, which is close to all of us.

Well, all the while I was driving us over there, I was whispering to Ivan that he would have to park the car, because, around the café, there is nothing but parallel parking!!! Around the entire city, there is nothing but parallel parking!!!

I repeat myself when I say that it has been twenty, or more, years since I have had to parallel park. Think about it. When was the last time you had to park between two vehicles, with only enough room to sneeze?

Fortunately, for me, anyway, this morning, there was a spot open in which the rear end opened to someone’s garage, so I could pull up to the vehicle already there, and park very comfortably.

In this town, it does not matter in which direction your vehicle faces when you park it, so, if there is a spot open on the left side of the street, you can pull right in. Mind you, however, most streets in this city are one way.

So, I am taking it upon myself to get myself right with my attitude, and start doing the things that I have convinced myself I cannot. I can parallel park , I (probably) can even drive down the extremely narrow drive into our underground parking garage. We shall see. I am going to start convincing myself that yes, I CAN.

2 thoughts on “I guess I CAN”

    1. Thanks. I am actually doing quite a bit more driving so the parking is coming back faster than I thought it would. LY.

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