I got this

So, I told you, yesterday, (your yesterday, my last week), that I was going to start climbing the ninety-plus stairs for some exercise. And, I did.

There are, however, one hundred three steps, not ninety five; I forgot the stairs up to the roof. So, a total of one hundred three buggers.

How do I know this, you ask?

I counted them; incorrectly twice, then, correctly the third time. You read that right; three times I counted them.

The first time was completely in Spanish. When I got to the PH floor, level five, however, and saw more steps, I realized I had forgotten about the roof. I went up said steps to the roof, checked on the gorgeous succulents growing in our neighbors storage unit, said good morning to Jesús, (and Liz, via cellphone), then went back down to try counting them again; correctly.

I also realized, that by the time I had gotten to the fifth floor, and had seen the rest of the steps to the roof, I had forgotten how many steps it had taken me to get to the PH level. Well, s#!t.

The second time I counted them, it was a mix of Spanish and English. The third time, however, was one through ten, in Spanish, but I used a finger for every ten. Aha! I guess I just needed to use my fingers. Who knew?!

So, three times, up and down the steps, and nothing happened. I can still breath; I sweat a lot, (that is good. It is a start); and I am definitely still alive; ready to do it again, actually. I did the walk twenty seconds, rest ten seconds business, which worked well. But, for this altitude, and, the stress on this overweight body, I will, tomorrow, walk two flights, rest twenty, then two more flights, rest twenty, ; until I become accustomed.

Winner, winner. Chicken dinner. Ready to go again.

I would, but I have to go to la dentista in an hour. I would prefer, (she would too, I will wager), not to smell like I just walked up three hundred steps. (Did I mention it was in less than ten minutes?) Yay!!!

Stay happy, stay healthy, stay safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, and protect your loved ones, will you?