I got it

Last week was one long week, ending with Ivan, Enrique, and me, going to the Office of Immigration, and FINALLY getting my two year residency card. Jesus, Mary, and Joseph. I did not think it was ever going to be done.

Since the last time we were at the office, sometime in September, they have completely remodeled the inside of the building. I mean everything, except the pillars, holding up the structure. The offices have all become visible to the public, all glassed in instead of solid walls, and everyone’s offices have been moved to different parts of the building itself.

Interesting thing happened, however. My passport got misplaced in their move. It was in my “file” when we left the building in September, but when we went last week, it was no where to be found. So, now I have an appointment with the (ugh) Embassy to start the process of getting a new passport. This should be another fabulously wasted appointment. (I hate doing to the Embassy). Again, I will let you know what happens. Should be amusing.

I am able to travel anywhere, here, in México without being detained anywhere. I am not sure about going South, to Chile, or there abouts. I will have to do some more research. That is for another time, though. And another post.

PS: here are photos of Juan’s new bed.

They will put a handle or knob on the outside sometime next week.
Here it is open.