I found it!

What did you find, you ask? The name of the flower that I bought called a Mona Lisa!

I searched the internet, for about thirty minutes, this morning, before finally giving up, and going to bed. But, when I got up, just now, boom. It hit me. Read on.

I have been up since about six thirty, after having, finally, fallen asleep, this morning, around two. I could not find the name of the very pretty plant that was delivered yesterday, called Mona Lisa. All I could find, under that search, was an obviously, very old, but weirdly familiar looking painting. Argh!

It does look familiar, does it not? Something about it…

After a few hours of fitful rest, I got up, and searched for Monalisa, in Spanish. Here it is. Eschinanto. (Sleep is so highly overrated.)

This is OUR Mona Lisa. 😉 Quite an original itself.

Absolutely beautiful, is it not? Unfortunately, it is not identifiable in the plant care app I have, Plantin. I have sent them a request for it to be added, so I will see if that happens anytime soon. For now, however, I will have to get my care instructions from the internet, then, somehow, remember to follow them. What could possibly go wrong with that idea?!!

There are a few others I need to look up, but that I will do later today. Actually, I will probably wait until the sleepless wee hours of the morning, giving me something to do, since sleeping is out of the equation.

Now, if I can just find out what the common name for the Millonaria is. The best I can tell, it is a Swedish ivy. It does not look like an ivy to me. The leaves are growing directly out of the prior stem.

Until that time, please, stay happy, stay healthy, stay safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, and protect your loved ones.

Post script: a very happy birthday to our wonderful b-i-l, Brian. Many more. Hope you are happy, healthy and safe, all the white enjoying a well deserved retirement.