I found it!

We were walking through Soriana yesterday, and, as I was walking up the aisle, towards the deli, what did I see, out of the corner of my eye?

This is the first time I had seen cheddar cheese in the grocery store.

SHREDDED CHEDDAR CHEESE!!! Albeit 152 pesos for the pound, ($7.95). It will not be something we buy very often. But what a treat to have found it!

The cheese that is made down here is so much less expensive, so the cheddar will have to be for special occasions- cheeseburgers, chili, and the like.

Speaking of the cheeses made here, there are a few Manchego cheeses that are outstanding. And not cost prohibitive, which is good, because we eat lots of cheese in this house.

This is just over a pound of some of the best Manchego cheese we have ever eaten.

This wheel of Artesanal cheese is about 79 pesos, or roughly $4.12. Much more affordable than the cheddar, and melts like nobodies business.

Quesadillas are a nighttime staple here. Most of these folks have breakfast, (desayuno) about 9:30 – 10:30 am., lunch (comida) about 3:30 pm., then dinner/supper (la cena) about 9:00 pm. Since 9 pm is way too late for Ivan, and me, to eat, we have our last anything to eat at the 3:30 pm. meal. Makes for a long night, but, as Ivan has terrible reflux, there is no way he could lie down, and hope to sleep. I, on the other hand, do not have reflux, and will, sometimes, sneak in a piece of sausage, or a slice of cheese to keep me from eating a pillow in the middle of the night. (Though a pillow is much less expensive than the cheese, I suppose that is something to be considered.)

I will finish with the statement that many things, such as cheddar cheese, and bacon, (why is it so hard to find good bacon?) are very difficult to find, and quite expensive when you do. Enjoy the things that you have come to take for granted, because not everywhere in the world are they accessible. Or, even, affordable.

And do not even get me started on meat!

Cheddar cheese update: 02/11/19

Again, while walking through Soriana today, we came upon a display of Parmesan cheese by the same Valley Foods, as is the cheddar. Now the cost of the one pound cheddar is 86 pesos, or $4.50 per pound, half of what is was last week. Now it is affordable, so I bought three packages and put them in the freezer. I want them to see that someone is interested in buying this product, and to keep it coming.