I forgot something

The other day, when I made the curry powder, I also made

Chinese 5 spice.

I need it for a few upcoming recipes, didn’t have it, asked Chatty GTP for a recipe, it sent one, so I made it. I don’t have any recollection what it’s supposed to taste like, so, I can only hope what I made is how it’s supposed to taste.

Very simple, these spice mixtures. They both needed to have the spices heated in a dry pan, on the stove, then blitzed in the spice mill. The kitchen smelled lovely, to be sure.

Now, I just need to get the few other things I need to make the recipes I was sent.

Next, I’m going to make a batch of kombucha, and pickled onions. No, they’re not going together silly you.

I’ll keep you posted as to the results.

Until next time, stay happy, healthy, and safe. WASH, WASH, WASH, and protect yourselves.