I finally did it

After twenty years of working with computers, I accidentally dropped my brand new iPad MacBook Pro 13” computer off the front side of my TV tray. Whhhhaaatttt??

Of course the screen broke. Never before have I broken a screen. I have almost never even dropped my phone. Here is what happened. I was hoping that it was just the “screen protector”, but noooooo.

I am absolutely sick about this. It was expensive, too, a few years ago. I looked away for about a millisecond; the next thing I knew, I was watching it go over the edge of the table. I had it open, and I was “watching” Bosch, while, at the same time, I had my smaller 11” sort of resting on the front edge of it, and I was playing WordStack. As I pushed the 11” away from me a bit, it also moved the 13”; right off the table.

I cannot believe this has happened. We are, however, healthy, and we were happy. Now, we are just healthy. Bummer.

You, on the other hand, need to do the very thing. Stay happy, stay healthy, stay safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, and protect your loved ones.


Post script: yesterday the dizzy spell, today the broken computer. Hope this is not a trend. Attitude adjustment coming soon. Damn good thing I do not drink anymore.

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