What is wrong with me?
Once again I typed an entire post, made a small change, then accidentally discarded it instead of saving it. Who does this stuff?
Well, me, obviously. That’s twice now, and, though I was tired of it immediately after the first time, I’m really tired of it after the second time.
I was telling you about how I no longer sleep more than in 2, sometimes 3 hour increments. I was also telling you about a 10 hour ASMR video I found on YT which plays an awesome rain, and thunder storm, not violent, in a city park somewhere where people are probably actually sleeping, listening to the storm.

I have been listening to it, every time I lie down to “sleep”, and it seems to be helping. I have tried a couple of different apps to help me turn off all of my thoughts, but nothing has worked like this has. The unfortunate part is that the phone face stays lit up in order to play, so I have to put my phone under my pillow, or under something on my bedside table. Oh well.
Recently, I slept 2 hours, then was up for 2 hours, slept 2 hours, up for an hour, then slept for 3 hours, I think. When my sleep is disrupted this many times, it’s hard to remember when I went down, and when I got up. I have taken to taking screenshots on my phone for each occurrence, to help me make sense of the disruption.
Oh well. Until next time, stay happy, healthy, and safe. Wash, cover, and protect yourselves.