I believe


I think.

I haven’t seen a single one all day today; well, my daylight hours are only from 11am until 8pm. But in that time, I didn’t see a single one. Those that I did see turned out to be floaters. (If you don’t know what floaters are, ask an adult.)

I can’t tell you the angst I’ve had this past week. First with Ivan, and me being still unwell, and with the baby, and Gabi here at night, (their parents too.) I kept hoping they had no germs in their room, or fruit flies. They did have a few flies, but I put a fly trap in their room, and sprayed the two that were flying around the trap. Dead. Yah.

Today, there were about a dozen of the buggers in the trap.

As it turns out, the “traps” are filled with a liquid called “the lure”, about 15 ml. I smelled it to see what it was, and it’s apple cider vinegar.

I should have taken photos of the glasses I had in the living room, and kitchen; each with a 1/4 cup of ACV, covered with plastic wrap, and each with more then 25 dead flies. Those were the ones that got away from my bug spray. All I could buy was Off, but it worked just fine. Now, I just spray the floaters. Hahaha.

Stay happy, healthy, and safe. Wash, cover, and protect yourselves.

Remember the ACV. Good for us, bad for bugs.