Hurry up and wait

So much of our time, when we leave the house, is to stand in one line, or another, and wait.

We go to the grocery store, and wait in the checkout line. We go to the building downtown, to get my residency, and we wait. We go to get Ivan’s drivers license, and we wait. We go to Toks, for a cup of coffee, and we wait.

From the first time we went to the government building, and we waited for 2 hours there, I decided I was never going to be bothered by having to wait again. There is no point in getting upset by it because it is the way things are here. No one is ever in a hurry. So, in defense of my fragile mental health, I just started bringing things I can do with me.

One of those things is writing another post about having to wait for my blog.

It has made all of the difference in the world in my mental state.