Hot as Hel……

I have been six hours, working in this hot kitchen today. Of course, I have a photo to show you what I mean by hot.

I could not stand to watch it keep climbing so I stopped at one hundred five degrees F. I think it is a shame that I cannot lose weight, working in this sauna. Fortunately, the breads that are being baked will be well worth the sweat! Since I no longer have long hair, I can stick my head under the bathroom faucet, and cool myself off. Yay for me.

While not in the kitchen, I spent an hour, maybe less, repotting all of the Sansevieria’s; the little ones. Tomorrow, after my silica sand arrives, I will repot the large San’s into several different spots, in one of the larger green containers that go in the large flower box. Right now, I am trying to loosen the block of dirt surrounding the roots. It cannot make a dent in it.

Until all of that happens, let me show you how nice the little ones look after having been repotted this morning. After that, please, stay happy, stay healthy, stay safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, and protect your loved ones.