
I have him- hook, line, and sinker.

Ivan bought me the entire wooden and glass boxed set of The Game of Thrones, in its entirety, for Christmas this year. It is a wooden box, with glass in the front and back, that closes with a leather strap, secured by a small replica of the Hand of the King. Amazing.

We started watching the first season three nights ago, and he does not seem to be able to get enough of it. We stayed up until one o’clock in the morning the first night, but only until eleven last night.

I am so excited that he is enjoying it as much as me. I have seen, or at least listened to, the whole series at least three times. In the past, I have had it playing in the background while I knit whatever project I had currently been knitting. Now, we sit on the loveseat he brought into the bedroom, and watch for two, sometimes three hours, after several hours of unpacking and organizing. Work comes first, rest and relaxation second.

I cannot wait until we get further into it. Each season has new, and more interesting characters and plot. If you have not seen it, you need to try it. It is amazing.