Honking horns

Our cousin, Juan, told me, not long ago, the shortest time possible is that time between when a stoplight turns green, and three people honk their horns.

Honking the car horn is a way of life here. More so, I think, than any place we have ever lived. If you are not moving your vehicle seconds before the light changes, half of the cars behind you will honk at you to get going. It makes me laugh.

I am not a person that uses the horn much at all. In fact, I have had to honk it, when no one is around, just to know what it sounds like. 😂

I am also unable to drive fast here, (darn it), due to the topes, and potholes! Everyone’s nemesis, those.

In fact, there is an app. most people use here, I am not sure if I wrote about it before, but it is called Waze. It is an interactive app that is a detailed map of México City. I mention it because, with it, you can add potholes, police sightings, speed camaras, traffic delays, etc. When you do, you receive points, plus, you alert other “Wazers” to stopped traffic, or potholes, etc.

Nice feature. As you are driving, it will alert you to those things that you want to avoid- stopped traffic, pot holes, etc. It also allows you to program your destination, and will show you the fastest route to get there, as it has predetermined routes scheduled, and you can pick whichever one you prefer.

Let me say, here, and now, she sometimes gets it way wrong.

When we first started using Waze, we programmed in our destination, but, she took us through a neighborhood we should never have been in. (I think I posted that a few months ago). Scared the crap out of both of us. The “street“ was barely wider than our car, and full of people, cars, animals, etc. Since we were new here, we had no idea how dangerous being one, or two streets off the main road could be.

Now, I use Waze, in the background, just to see where we are, and, how long until we reach our destination. (I am not sure if the time to final destination feature is determined by the mileage needed to get there, or how it is determined). Or, if we are driving out of town. It is the best map to use down here. Better than Google Maps even. Plus, she speaks Spanish like a pro.

Just curious- how often do you honk your horn, and what provokes you to use it?