Holy cow

I say that because I’m recovering, (or so I thought) from a self induced day of painful diarrhea.

The cause of said discomfort you ask?

Well, at some point in the past I must have known it, at one point surely, but had since forgotten that cranberry juice, when drunk in large quantities, such as that needed to quiet a spasming bladder, becomes a lethal weapon.

I have been to the bathroom 6 times today, and I’m not done yet. My guts are rumbling, audibly truth told.

That should look better on the scale in the morning, if I can make it to tomorrow. I haven’t had a cleansing like this since my first, and only colonoscopy 5 years ago.

Until next time folks, stay happy, healthy, and safe. Wash, cover, and protect yourselves.

Post script: it’s been 2 1/2 days, and I’m really not enjoying this.