Holidays, etc.

Yesterday was Revolution Day, here. Vacation!!

Of course we went to LA, for two days.

You really cannot imagine how relaxing it is there, until you get there. When you get out of the car, it hits you; fresh, clean air, bright warm sunshine, and, as important, peaceful quiet.

It is soul soothing, time away from the smog, and big city noise. The noise here is continuous, almost 24/7. I do not think most people here even realize how they are constantly bombarded with it. Horns, cars, buses, trucks, the mobile vendors, selling food, or collecting sellable items; all in constant motion. All making a cacophony of noise.

Not in Los Altos. The occasional truck goes down the street, or the infrequent motorcycle. One of the loudest things, we notice, are children playing, and laughing. A welcome sound that.

It is very similar to where we used to live, in Iowa. The setting was idyllic, near a creek, with children growing up next door. There was the interstate about fifty feet to our West, but we became so desensitized to its noise, we really no longer noticed it was there.

This, however, is a huge city; awake twenty four hours of every day. In our suburb, however, the noise is a bit less, probably because of all of the trees in the park.

Within the condo, itself, however, dogs bark with nearly intolerable frequency. And let me not forget to mention a toddler that cries every day, off and on, for about two hours. I swear the child needs a nap. Ugh.

Stay happy, stay healthy, stay safe my friends. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, and protect your loved ones. Please.