Hit by a brick

Figuratively speaking, that is.

This afternoon, I went to the bedroom, to lie down for, what I hoped would be, a short nap. Three hours later, I am finally up.

I went to lie down because every muscle, joint, square centimeter of hair, and skin hurt. This came out of nowhere. One minute, I was sitting at the dining room table, working feverishly, (no pun intended), on one of my online puzzles, and, before I knew what was happening, I had all of the above, along with a headache I could not shake.

I made it back to the bedroom, took Ibuprofen 800mg, drank a half quart of water, and went to bed. Five minutes later, I got back up, put on two thermal shirts, over my PJ top; added the PJ bottoms, over my thermal bottoms, put on a pair of socks, and tried again, to warm up.

About a lifetime later, I felt as if I was starting to warm up, however, the muscles in both of my shoulders were so uncomfortable, I had to keep moving my hands, and arms, over my head, then down to my sides. Finally, that too went away.

After the second hour, I asked Ivan to put another pair of socks over the original pair, helping a bit. Sitting at the table here, they are still cold. WTH?

I am going to tell myself that this is a blip, a temporary nothing, and that it will be gone before I go to bed tonight. The power of positive thinking!

See you tomorrow. Until then, you know what to do. Stay happy, stay healthy, stay safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, and protect your loved ones.

Post script: after consuming Acetaminophen 800mg, about twenty minutes ago, I am happy to report that I am starting to sweat. In this case, sweating is a good thing. On a normal day, I try to avoid it. Gonna have to get out of all of the extra layers, too. Thanks for any concern. All good.

Post script: 9/2/2021- I spent a night of jumpy legs that would not be quelled, but without fever, or chills. This morning, I am back to “normal”. Whatever that means. 😉