High gear

Happy birthday to my younger sister Nancy. Many, many more sweetling.

By high gear, I mean I am in high gear. Last night, before bed, I combined three different flours, and amounts, added eighty percent of the total volume of flour in the form of water, to form what is called an autolyse. The mixture will sit on the counter, covered, of course, overnight. It is simply the combination of flour and water, at this point. It was discovered (by someone, in the past, I have no idea when), that doing this, and waiting forty five minutes minimum, up to twelve, or fourteen hours, it made the rest of the process of sourdough bread making much easier in several ways that I will not go into at the moment. You are welcome.

In the morning, I will feed my sourdough starter its required, equal amounts of flour and water, then wait for five hours, after which time it will have at least doubled in size, and height, and be ready to use.

After said five hours, I will combine both mixtures, along with two percent salt, and begin what is called the “stretch and fold”ing of the bread dough. There is no kneading with this S&F technique.

So, besides that, I have sorted, washed, and am now soaking a kilo of black beans, to be cooked, probably, tomorrow morning/afternoon. I have washed rice, ready for tomorrow, and will be making both corn and flour tortillas, tomorrow, or the next day.

S&F is done every thirty minutes for two, up to three hours; until gluten bands are formed, and remain strong. After that, it will rest, covered on the counter, for another several hours, depending on the heat in the kitchen. After that, it is on to getting it ready for the banneton, used to shape the dough after it is formed into a circular, or, oblong loaf. By that time, it will probably be too late in the day for baking, so they will rest, contained in a plastic bag, overnight in the fridge, to be baked on the third day. I cannot wait. Fresh sourdough bread. I will post a photo, regardless of the results.

Why not? What else do I have to do? When the baby comes, that will be a completely different story. For now, I will do what I can. Until then,

Stay happy, stay healthy, stay safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, and protect your loved ones.