
I really, really, really don’t like that word.

To come up to someone, whose name I presume you know, and call out “Hey”, as a greeting, just about sends me over the very close edge on which I usually preside.

Several of my coworkers used to do that to me, and I would immediately respond with “if you’re talking to me, my name is Diana.” More often than not, they would respond with the fact that they knew that, and then continue on with whatever they were going to say to “Hey”.

I’m not a “hey”, never have been a “hey”, and don’t ever want to be a “hey”. I have an identity, a name; my name. Diana. Use it.

Unfortunately it did get my attention, and that was its purpose, but I disliked it all the same.

If you don’t know my name, then just say “excuse me. Ma’am?” I’ll answer you. I’ll acknowledge you. I’ll talk to you.

Here, in fact, most store employees, cashiers, stockers, baggers, call me Abuelita, which suits me just fine. I’m close to 70, look 75, so the name is appropriate. It brings a smile to my face.

The only problem is that my mind still envisions me at about 55 – 60 ish, when I was not so heavy, or grey haired, or less mobile. Now that I am soon to be 68 years old, am heavier, and have close to white hair, it’s ok to be known to those young people as Abuelita. It is a term of endearment, whereas Abuela is more formal, less loving. I’ll take what I can get.

Which would you rather be, “hey” or Abuelita?

As Abuelita, I’ll see you soon. Stay happy, healthy, and safe. Wash, cover, and protect yourselves.

Post script: in case you haven’t noticed yet, I am posting, and will continue to do so, every 3 mornings, more, or less. It works for me.