Hell on Earth

Once again, I have been the object of the fierceness of nature, or nature’s nemesis.


About 11pm last night, I went to the kitchen, and ate 4 ribs of celery, rinsed quickly, under the running water of the kitchen sink, (I didn’t soak them in the disinfectant, as I should have). Slathered with peanut butter, they were delicious.

For about the next half hour.

Then it began; my night of Hell on Earth.

The palms of both my hands started to itch, then, the itching became unrelieved by scratching, slapping, anything. I ran cold water over them, not even considering, yet, that it was an allergic reaction to whatever I didn’t rinse off the celery.

After about 30 minutes of this torture, reality hit me square int the face, so, I got up, and took 75mg. of Benadryl, and 800 mg Ibuprofen, hoping I had caught it in time. (In this family, if one takes Benadryl, one simply must take the Ibuprofen at the same time. If not, it makes our legs jump, for hours.)

I sat up for about 2 hours, hoping the itching would stop; definitely not interested in an ED visit. Truth be told, it only got worse. It spread to my arm pits, my groin, under my breasts, my scalp, ears, face.

Then, as quickly as it started, I became too sleepy to stay awake any longer, so I went to bed. And slept.

Until about 2pm today. When I got up, I noticed a bit of itching, still. Then, I saw the hives. It’s a fairly dramatic sight, seeing your whole body covered with all different sized red weals.

The itching is coming back in droves. I just took another 100mg of Benadryl, and 1G of Ibuprofen. I am taking this itch-racked sack of weals to bed for the rest of the day. We’ll see what happens tomorrow.

Stay happy, healthy, and safe. Wash your hands, (and your produce), cover your mouth, and protect yourselves.