Heaven, on Earth

I sit, in front of the West facing window of our new bedroom, with the sun on my neck, and, a breeze at my back.

The fresh air, blowing gently through the window, brings such a wonderful smell with it, that I try to think of other things, but, cannot. The air is too enticing. It calls to me with such an intense pull; it makes me think of……. springtime.

It is the fifth of January, however; several weeks to go before spring comes.

We have spent the last seven days in paradise, and, gosh, did I score big?!

That, good people, is what we call verdolagas, here, and, purslane in the States. It is one of the most nutrient dense plants on the planet, but is considered a weed, only by the US. Come on people; wake up.

There is a similar looking plant that is indeed, not only a weed, but, actually poisonous. This one, however, can feed the masses.

Here it is after having the leaves removed from the stems, and, having been soaked in disinfectant water all night. (I use the lid of the washing machine for multiple uses.)

I plan on freezing some, drying some, and using some fresh. This will be used to thicken soups, and stews for the coming year, most likely. When dried, I can pulverize some, and add it to whatever I want, to thicken it. When used fresh, however, it is added close to the end of the cooking time, so you get all of the benefits of the plant, but with little thickening. Frozen, it preserves the plant, but loses the structure, leaving only the nutrients, and thickening potential.

I cannot wait to try this! We had a moment of opportunity to buy some huauzontle while we were vacationing, but, unfortunately, were unable to take advantage of it. Next time perhaps.

Until then, stay happy, stay healthy, stay safe. Wash your hands,cover your mouth, and protect your loved ones.