He is back

This time he is here to stay.

My father in law, Juan, has been bedridden for the past five days with muscle spasms in his back. When we went to pick him up today, he could not sit, or stand, and has lost weight. We are going to fix that as quickly as possible.

At ninety three years of age, he has always looked years younger, closer to eighty than ninety. Today, however, he looks every bit his years. We hope to change that as well.

Being the diagnostician that I am, I have dosed him, twice since we brought him home, with Ibuprofen, which, so far, seems to be helping. He is resting, as comfortably as we can make him, for now. I wish we had instant access to a heating pad. It has been ordered, and will be here in two more days.

As you know, I, too, suffer from chronic back pain, and have since I was sixteen years old. That having been said, I have been teaching him how to ease into a sitting position, and, how to reverse that in order to lie back down, with a bit less grabbing pain.

For him, today, however, sitting has been, literally, beyond his abilities. He just cannot do it; not today. We are not going to push him too hard into doing much of anything; not until I can get those muscles to release themselves.

I will keep you informed how his physical recuperation progresses. For now, however, he happens to be snoring. 😉

Stay happy, stay healthy, stay safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, and protect your loved ones.