He has passed

I am going to make this quick: my father in law passed away the other night.

We have followed the promises we made to him, so we, too, are at peace. We know he is with his Yola, and no longer in pain.

Stay happy, stay healthy, stay safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, and protect your loved ones.

2 thoughts on “He has passed”

  1. Sorry to learn that your father-in-law passed. I was happy to read that he got to live with you and Ivan, at least for a little bit. He had a long life and I’m sure you are all thankful for that!

    1. We were very glad he was able to come here. We just wish he had been able to get out and walk with us. But he is in a beautiful place now; in a spot, close to the too of a small mountain in Veracruz. Thanks again JoAnn.

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