He did it.

Ivan has gone from 230 lbs. to 190 lbs. this morning. It has taken him about eight months, but, just by decreasing the amount of food he eats, he has lost 40 lbs. That, and us walking in the park!

This was just this past weekend. Down twenty kilos!

I am so proud of him. It is amazing what changes we can make when we are able to get outside, daily. It has made all of the difference, in both of us.

2 thoughts on “He did it.”

  1. That’s awesome about Ivan’s weight loss! Sounds like he’s doing it the right way too! Happy for both of you…keep up the good work👍

    I don’t recall, but has Ivan’s dad moved in with you yet?

    I enjoy reading your posts…so nice to keep up with what’s happening in your life😊

    1. Thank you JoAnn. He is doing an excellent job of losing weight. Nice and slowly. Ivan’s dad will move in sometime around the end of this month, beginning of April. We have a few more things to finish in this production before he will be comfortable here. We don’t want him to be confused- we are still moving things from this room to that. Thanks again for the nice thoughts. Miss you.

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