Have you

I haven’t. I don’t think ever.

The other day, I went to put the load of clothes I had just washed into the dryer, only to discover this.

I’d been burgled.

Somehow, the load of clothes I thought I had washed remained exactly where I had put them; on the floor in the kitchen.

Seriously? Who does this? Just me, probably.

Well, the washing machine is clean now, however, as I use vinegar, not softener, it doesn’t build up any gunk. Yay.

Oh, on a side note, Liz is not pregnant at the moment. False alarm. Too bad. We’re all hoping for baby #4, another girl. Someday. Hopefully.

Stay happy, healthy, and safe. Wash, cover, and protect yourselves. Remain vigilant; another variant is out, and about.