Have I mentioned the rain?

When we came down here this past April, the temperature was a balmy, and I do mean balmy, 89 – 95 degrees Fahrenheit. Locals were going around with down vests on, some with scarves, full length slacks. I personally thought I was going to explode from the heat. I wore as little clothing as I could get by with legally. Now that we are here, once again, and it is August, it gets as high as 80* in the afternoon, (I cannot find the degree symbol so I am making do with the asterisk. Sue me.) but once 6 pm. rolls around, and it starts raining, which it does almost every evening, the temperature is kind enough to drop into the 60’s. Thank the good Lord.

I know I do not need to tell you that I have my fan with me- electric in the house, and handheld every place else. Anyone that knows me knows how much I dislike perspiring. (I have been known to muse about how wonderful it would be to be able to lose a certain amount of weight just through perspiration. I also know that this type of weight loss will never work for me. The fans!). But every day, like clockwork, it has rained for upwards of 30 minutes to as much as all night drizzles. I cannot get enough of it. I have always loved the rain, and if thunder, and lightening tag along, so much the better. Would I want to live in a rainy climate all year long? Not a bit. But, for a few months, every year? Well, that is one of the reasons I signed on.