Have I mentioned

Tai-chi? Tai-Chi Qigong, actually. I am going to give it a whirl, along with the stretching yoga that I am doing.

For example, today, my joints are rather sore from two weeks of stretching, though I must say that I am much more flexible than I was two weeks ago. That having been said, it is not saying much. The girl that I emulate, while forcing my joints to bend farther than they have in years, can touch everything to everywhere! I cannot. Not now, not ever!

Nor do I want to. That is not why I am doing the stretching. I have discovered that I can walk with considerably less discomfort on the days after having stretched the night before, than when I do not stretch. I have also learned that I have to stretch immediately before walking, if I want to do the full two times around the park.

I have to tell you that this quarantine crap is really taking its toll on me. The lack of movement is a slow, and steady trap that my body is finding hard to escape. I feel like I my muscles are slowly being wound with a spiders web; slowly becoming stone. Plus, it hurts to be getting so stiff.

So, now I am going to try Tai-chi Qigong. If it works, great. If not, it is better than sitting around, watching shows on the computer, and getting more stiff by the day.

A very special birthday greeting to my sister, Martha, with whom I got to share all of her wonderful music albums growing up. (I also got to sneak peeks in her desk drawers when she was out of the house, but she never knew that, so do not tell her. She had the neatest stuff!)

Stay happy, stay healthy, stay safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, and protect your loved ones. Please.