Have I mentioned

Did I already post that, being forty pounds overweight, is absolutely nothing here?

Having said that, let me also say, this affliction, though, very uncomfortable, is only temporary.

Never in my life, even through two pregnancies, have I ever weighed as much as I do this minute. I think, last I could face the music, so to speak, I saw eighty two kilograms!! When we get to the condo, with the park just outside, I swear, to all of you, I will lose at least fifteen kilos, maybe a bit more.

I must say that the women, here, carry their weight differently than we Germans. Not only that, but many just do not care if they appear overweight. Good on them. They carry themselves upright and proud. Me, not so much. I do not recognize the reflection in my mirror.

Unfortunately, there is not much that I can do right now. I am not in charge of food preparation here, and to refuse to eat a meal because it is full of carbs would be ungracious to our family. A few more weeks is not going to make that much difference. Patience, while not only being my mothers name, is, as I have been told, a virtue.

And, you can all attest that I am a virtuous person. 🤓