Hard work

I did more hard work Saturday, than I have done in an entire year.

Seriously!!! We want to move our bed 45º, from West facing to South facing. Not Feng shui so we’ll see what happens.

In order to do that, however, the entire contents of the space underneath said bed needed to be removed, moved elsewhere, and cleaned. Ugh!

Ivan started out helping me, then, as if by a miracle, he wandered away, to another room, and I didn’t see him until I was done cleaning. Funny how that happens.

I should have, but didn’t, take a photo of all of the stuff underneath, but didn’t, because I didn’t want to lose my momentum. It was too depressing.

Now, however, there is nothing under the bed, except a dust bunny warren. That, too, is going; as soon I regain some energy. I’m beat.

Until then, stay happy, healthy, and safe. Wash, cover, and protect yourselves.