Happy, happy

I do not, honestly, think I can explain in words how happy we are here. I thought, at first, that it would be difficult for me to adjust- to the different language, altitude, customs. But it has not been difficult at all.

Hopefully, by the time you read this, we will be in the condo. I will write a special post for when that happens, to be sure.

Today I sent a couple of photos of our new table. It is absolutely exactly what we wanted. For awhile it will be folded, alongside the wall as you come into the condo. When we have a “dinner”, with family over, we will pull it over to the rectangle portion of inlaid tile.

The kitchen cabinets want only their glass fronts, and the granite countertop needs to be sanded at the junctions- it has a bit too much adhesive at the moment. The WC accessible bathroom needs two small pieces of tile flooring, and that will be that, in there. The appliances need to be hooked up, and checked to be in working order, then we can, officially, move in. Getting closer, every day. Stay tuned.