Happy days

We are blessed; that is all there is to it.

We have a couple of wonderful people that we call friends, but they are more than that; they are family.

You know who they are, and a pair of more honest, loving, forgiving people we have never met.

We knew, within hours of meeting them, that they were, as I said, honest, loving, and most of all, forgiving. We are not perfect people, Ivan and me, but we are, for the most part honest, forgiving people.

No, I will not tell you that the blouse you are wearing makes you look like a lowlife; well, maybe I would tell you, but not like that. I would find another way, a different way to say it. You look like a slut comes to mind, but that probably would not be good either, would it?! No. No. Nope.

Forgiving. Let us look, briefly, to that. Recently, we were, to our shame, asses to them, but what did they do? They came down here, talked to us, got to the heart of what was the problem, and, when we thought they would leave us, hate us, no, they forgave us. They agreed that what had transpired between us was not good, however, as family, they still loved us, and, even better, as I said, they forgave us.

Happy days.

Please, take care of yourselves, and your loved ones. Stay happy, stay healthy, stay safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, and protect your loved ones.