
Who would have thought that eating a chunk of ham could be so good?!

No, I am not talking about those thin, insipid slices of ground up, smashed together, then sliced, pieces of lunch meat; I am talking about a chunk of ham, from a larger chunk of ham.

As I told you, we were able to buy more ham the last time we were at Costco. As I was cutting it up, to be vacuum sealed, then frozen for later consumption, an occasional piece accidentally broke off from the whole. Well, one cannot place that small(ish) piece in with the rest; it just would not be the correct thing to do. (That is my excuse. You have to come up with your own.)

As I have started feeling a bit better, though my energy tank is, once again, on the low side, I try not to use up my reserves. I was unable to go to the market the other day, as I had hoped, though, I am hoping to be able to go tomorrow. It drains me just thinking about the walk.

It is only five hundred fifty meters to the Plaza, and the same to return, but, when I am not excited about walking, it feels like fifty kilometers. That is what it feels like today. I can wait until I have more in my reserves. We will eat what we have. Now, that is a novel idea!! For me, anyway.

Stay happy, stay healthy, stay safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, and protect your loved ones.