
We had hail the other afternoon. Quite a bit, for here. Here is what it looked like.

Looking down from our bedroom window

Earlier, there was a clap of thunder that just about knocked my socks off. Though I enjoy a good thunderstorm, that one took my breath away. It was fun to watch, however.

That was the highlight of the past couple of days. Liz, as I have told you, is helping me keep the apartment clean, and let me tell you, she is a cleaning demon. It is so nice to have someone else around here; she, and Gabi, keep us company while she and I do the cleaning. We only clean an hour or two, usually tackling one room at a time.

She has been coming down two days a week to help me, but now that they are sleeping here, she is here a bit more often. I really appreciate everything she does around here; I know it is too much for me to do on my own. With all of the stuff we still have to go through, though we are making great strides in that department, it is still more than I can manage.

I did not think, at first, that I could have her cleaning somewhere in the apartment, and me be in another room, doing whatever I needed to do, Hah! Everything works just fine. She does her thing, and I do mine. If we are in the bedrooms, we can talk to one another while continuing to work. She is such a joy.

Then, there is Gabi. He spends quite a bit of his time here sitting with Señor Iván, watching his computer programs. Everyone in Jesús’s family calls Ivan Señor Iván, out of respect. Of course, that makes me Señora Diana. It makes us proud.

I am off to try to get a nap before the day begins. I slept almost ten hours night before last, but nothing last night. It is almost six o’clock in the morning, and, with any luck, I can sneak in an hour or two.

Please, stay happy, stay healthy, stay safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, and protect your loved ones.

Post script: did not work. I closed my eyes, but my brain kept taking over. Oh, well. There is always tonight.