
Tonight, I discovered a great, low carb snack, plus, I like that is it is an alliteration. I discovered that a beautifully cooked, hard-boiled, egg, some prepared horseradish sauce, wrapped in a thin slice of ham hits an empty spot perfectly. (Got it? Hard-boiled egg, horseradish sauce, and ham).

I do not know if you like horseradish, as a sauce-like condiment, or straight up fire, but I happen to enjoy it immensely. And, of course, we cannot find the plain fire version down here- much to my dismay. We did find it, however, on a website called MercadoLibre®️, but it was a bit expensive. Again, not something we will be buying much of.

I will look up the nutritional information (maybe) before I post this, and, probably take a photo, or two (probably not).

In the meantime, enjoy every day as if it will be your last, because, one day, you will be right.