
I know you know what it is, but do you know how to keep it from oxidizing?

I just discovered something I never thought I would. The way to keep avocados from turning that horrible grey color is to

Now that is a thing of beauty. Am I right?

I made the above guacamole 48 hours before taking this photo, and have opened, eaten, repackaged same twice since. It is still the vibrant green it was when I made it.

Why, you ask? How did you do that, you ask?

Avocado oil, probably any type of oil, but I like avocado oil.

That’s right. For 2 beautifully ripe avocados, (black skins, soft to the touch), I added about 1 tsp. each of avocado oil, and white vinegar. I don’t add lime juice anymore, because it changes the flavor profile, and that doesn’t interest either of us.

It can’t be the vinegar because I’ve used that for quite some time now, without good results. By the end of the first day, only a few hours usually, the guacamole is grey. Yuck. It doesn’t look good, and tastes worse.

No longer. Oil is the answer. I didn’t use much, but it coated the avocado, sealing it from the harmful effects of oxygen.

Give it a try the next time you make guacamole. Let me know if it helps you too.

Until next we meet, stay happy, healthy, and safe. Wash, cover, and protect yourselves.