Grow lights

We now have four of them. They are making all the difference in our plants.

Two of the lights have bulbs in the blue spectrum, and are helping my herb seeds sprout. The other two have bulbs in the red spectrum, and are giving “sunlight” to the established plants.

I wish I could show you the difference forty eight hours has made in the more mature plants; the spider plant, for example, is a vibrant green now, instead of the incipient pale green it has become since living in our apartment.

When the plants started drooping, I thought they wanted water, when all they really wanted was some loving sunshine. Now, I can learn, and will recognize the difference between thirst, and hunger.

The blue in the photo above is from the blue spectrum bulbs, concentrating on the seeds.

Here is a photo of the red spectrum bulbs, on either side of the open windows, giving much needed sunlight to the rest of the plants. Once the seeds sprout, I will move those two lamps to the back bedroom, and use two more red spectrum bulbs for all of the larger plants. The poor things need more light; soon.

We are on our way to Los Altos again; we are dropping off Liz and Gaby, and will return home tomorrow; unfortunately. It is so peaceful there, it is hard to leave. We are returning next weekend for the annual fair, however. We have been told that the whole village turns out. We are anxious to see it ourselves.

Please, until we talk again, stay happy, stay healthy, stay safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, and protect your loved ones.