
We went to Costco yesterday. This is what we needed to bring up the groceries from the sidewalk.

This is one of the large totes; on the wheelie thing that we use to move heavy stuff. Of course it has a name, I just can’t remember what it is, at the moment.

Ivan just told me it is called a dolly. Well, of course it is. It has to pull this duty only once a month now. Lucky sod.


I have gotten my second, third, or, maybe fourth wind, so to speak, but this is some of what happened, after we got back from shopping.

I have torn the kitchen, and pantry apart, and they have been transformed. And I do mean transformed. The dried chiles, herbs, and some of the cook ware, are now in the kitchen, (where they need to be); the appliances, for the most part, are in the pantry, (again, where they should be), and all of flours that have not been used in months, have been relegated to a very high shelf, in the kitchen; not in my user zone. Take a look.

Before. The Japanese dishes are in the hutch; the other items have found new homes in the pantry. All of the items on the top shelf have been shoved into the corner cupboard, to be dealt with another day.
After. The flours I’m not using are up above, with the herbs on the top shelf, and the dried chiles on the bottom shelf.
Before. This is where the herbs, and dried chiles used to live, making me go back and forth each time I wanted to use them. Dumb.
After. Now, all of the items I use most frequently, and had to bend over to get them out of a lower kitchen cabinet, live on these shelves, making it much easier for me to retrieve, and us them. Yay!!


They are ever changing, ever evolving spaces; never to be left “as is” for very long. When, or if, I ever feel the rightness of the space, it will be that way until

Stay happy, healthy, and safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, and protect yourselves.