Good morning all

Welcome back everyone. What a couple of weeks this has been. We have been working for several hours everyday since moving into the condo here, and, believe it, or not, we are about three quarters done. We can only work for about four hours at a stint, because our backs are not what they used to be. To be sure.

Is everything exactly where we want it? No. I am not sure it will ever be so. We have decided that, even with all of the “things” we gave away, before we moved, or left in the house, we still have too much. Absolute gluttony. Gives me a horrible feeling of shame,

I must tell you, though, the good side is that we are able to give to others, here, others that will be able to use the excess of our lives, and use these things to help themselves.

I ask you, why did we feel the need to have twelve pairs of jeans? Forty pairs of Lula Roe leggings? Fifty Piko bamboo tops of almost every color? Twenty five pairs of underwear, bras, socks, etc.?

The only excuse I can think of is that I really disliked having to lug clothes down two flights of stairs to the basement. It took an hour plus, to wash a load, and at least two hours to dry that same load. Then I had to carry all of that up the aforementioned two flights of stairs to fold and put away. Does not bring back fond memories.

Here, however, the washer, and dryer, well, everything really, is on the same floor, about thirty feet from the bedroom. Lovely, to be sure. I can wash a load of clothes in about forty minutes, and have the whole load dry in less than an hour. They do not require ironing, just folding and putting away. Yay!! So much faster, so much easier. It is almost a joy to do laundry here.

Unfortunately, everything we have had in the totes for seven months, outside in Juan’s garage, throughout the rainy season, the heat, then the cold, all has to be washed, dried, and put away. I have my work cut out for me. But the location of the laundry area, in relationship to the rest of the condo, could not be better placed.

We, truly, could not be happier in our choice of places to live. The condo is laid out just as we would have planned it if we built it ourselves. Blessed. Nothing else to be said.