Going well

We are doing well. Just lazy.

Sorry about that. We have our days, and nights backwards, and are up all night, sleep all day. It is so incredibly

I couldn’t think of the right word to use so I left it.

We bought a beautiful slab of salmon, and 4 lovely chuck steaks, which have been in the freezer, and now the fridge, that need to be “processed”. Meaning, I need to cut them into our small serving sizes, and vacuum seal them, returning them to the freezer.

Our freezer is full again with two processed chickens, the carcasses, about 2 k. of ground beef, and 5 k. of pork leg. Pork is the most eaten protein here, but chicken is a very close second. Fortunately, we enjoy both of said proteins. Beef is plentiful, but so much tougher here that it is hardly worth trying to soften them up.

Back to the chuck steaks: they had the audacity to bleed all over the bottom shelf of the fridge last night. I had, without thinking, placed both of the styrofoam platters at an angle, still in their plastic wrap, and the plastic bag we put them in at the store.


Now, not only do I need to process them, and seal them up, but I have to clean the fridge, too.

Have I mentioned how much I really dislike cleaning the fridge? Fortunately for me, it’s been awhile, so the whole thing needs cleaning, and rearranging. Lucky for me I have a little spare time to do the very thing.

I’m not sure what time of the night I’m going to do that, but I hope it won’t make too much noise.

The other morning, about 3:40am., I cleaned the kitchen counters, the dishes, the outside of the fridge, the microwave, (what a blessing it is), and then the toilets in the 2 useable bathrooms.

Got to “sleep”, if one can call it that, about 10am. “Slept” until 2pm. That is my usual schedule. Once awake, I try to stay horizontal for at least another hour. Remember, mom called it “resting your eye”.

That’s about it for now. Wanted to make sure you all realize we’re still alive, and living the dream.

Stay happy, healthy, and safe. Wash, cover, and protect yourselves.

Our “forever home” is materializing at a wonderful speed. We are giving serious consideration to renting this apartment, but have not decided. The monetary climate right now, is not conducive to selling it, and receiving the amount of money we want for it. As it was paid for in cash, whatever we get will be a bonus.