We took the Garcia’s, with their enthusiastic permission, to be examined by our dentist; Dra. Priscila Solis.
Gabi, with Jesús holding him, was the first to be seen. At four years old, and this, being the first time he has gone to a dentist, he wanted no part of said exam. Eventually, after several minutes of crying sorrowfully, she asked Jesús to go out to the waiting room, leaving Gabi in there, with her; all by himself.
It took her only a very few minutes to get his attention, calm him down, then look at his teeth. When he came out to the waiting room, he brought a new friend; Ratón.

Next went Jesús. He survived his ordeal as well, then, Liz went in. She was in there for about fifteen minutes, all told. Their plans for her have to wait, however, until she is further along in her pregnancy, as doctor wants X-rays of both her teeth, and those of Jesús. His we can get this coming weekend, but hers will have to wait until at least December.
Not a bad morning, if you were not Gabi. His morning improved greatly, after meeting his new friend.
Stay happy, stay healthy, stay safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, and protect your loved ones.