Ghost touch

Have you ever heard of such a thing?

My iPhone started acting up the other day, the screen hopping around, changing from one page to another without me doing anything.

I even called my SIL without touching a button. (Fortunately she was able to talk for a few minutes, and, I hope, didn’t think I was too crazed.)

When I Googled “my iPhone is possessed”, low, and behold, up came hundreds of different results regarding possessed phones, and what to do about them.

Evidently, one of the main causes of phones that are demonically possessed is not charging your phone with sanctioned Apple charging equipment, and next is your screen protector.

I restarted my phone, twice; nothing. The ghost lives.

I took off the screen protector; better, but still twitchy. Still changing pages on me without being requested to do so.

After that, I did a quick systems update, and am waiting for that to finish.

Removing the screen protector, for whatever reason, seemed to make a significant difference.

I’ll let you know if the update plays any part.

Until then, stay happy, healthy, and safe. Wash, cover, and protect yourselves.

Post script: same day.

Conclusion: The ghost is gone for now. The phone is fully charged on the sanctioned Apple charging equipment that I always use, but I have not replaced the screen protector yet. There have been no changing pages, or ghostly phone calls to the US, so thank you Google responses.

Post post script: WRONG. The phone is no longer of any use. The ghost is alive, and well. Now I have to save up a few hundred dollars for a new phone. This one of Ivan’s is too old to perform as needed. No snobbery, just that it has to be efficient enough to be my mobile office.